Local newspapers urged us to vote wisely. And I complied. See how wisely I voted.

Do you have a strong constitution?

Come to Malawi and try our delicacy, known among the locals, as African sausage.
The view from atop a jutting rock

Whoever thinks there's no heaven on earth, hasn't been to Lake Malawi.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Therefore, a rainbow is in the eye of every beholder, right? At least it was in mine when I looked out of my 8th Floor office in Malawi's Capital, Lilongwe
Voter registration has began

And in not too long from now, stories of rigging will start doing the rounds. There might even be one of me having voted a year early! No, judging by the colour of my hair, make that several years too early.
Not all of us can afford yatchs

But we can still ride!
When a child is born, there's celebration...normally, that is

But when they die, they need funeral parlours. And if one can cut through all the paperwork and take you straight to heaven, despite all your earthly foibles, all the better!